Cathy Louise Broda Ashtanga Yoga mysore classes and Work Shop

mysore fukuoka (yogalimt+ mysore d.)にて開催させて頂きます!皆様に再びお会い出来ることを心より楽しみにしています。
福岡市のスタジオ、mysore fukuoka (yogalimt+mysore.d )にてのマイソールクラスのスケジュールは下記をご覧ください。
10月14日水曜 Ashtanga Yoga Workshop with Cathy Louise
Ashtanga Yoga Workshop with Cathy Louise
Have you ever thought what it’s like to practice and teach Ashtanga Yoga for 25 years! Cathy Louise is living this experience. She started practicing Ashtanga Yoga when she was 24 years old and this year she will celebrate her 50th birthday.
To start the workshop, Cathy Louise will explain and show that many Primary Series postures teach us how to do the more advanced asana. For example, many students have a difficult time putting their feet/foot behind their head for supta kurmasana or eka pada sirsasana. Cathy Louise will teach safe and effective ways of placing your foot behind your head by exploring Janu Sirsasana to Marichyasana to Eka Pada Sirsasana. She’ll also show how finding a deeper understanding in the foundations of bandhas/breath/dristi are the key to a lifetime of healthy body, mind and practice.As well as running her studio Honolulu, Purple Yoga Hawaii, Cathy Louise also has a full life with her three children. 2015, in particular, has been a learning curve as her girls all become older and more independent. Finding the steadiness between practice, teaching and being a householder is a constant balancing act and her own Ashtanga Yoga practice is the thing that grounds her.
Cathy Louise has many valuable lessons that she wants to share so don’t miss out on this opportunity to study with this experienced female teacher.
Come prepared to do some asana practice! This workshop is open to all practitioners – new to advanced.
It’s been a few years since Cathy Louise has been to Fukuoka and she’s excited to be returning to Ashtanga Fukuoka.
10月13日火曜マイソールクラス午前 6時から9時半まで
10月14日水曜の夜、アシュタンガヨガの特別ワークショップ『呼吸、バンダ、ドリスィー』 18:30-20:30
1 classe 4500yen
2 classes 8500yen
3 classes 12000 yen
4 classes 15000yen
5 classes 18000yen
ご予約は まで。
今回の福岡mysore fukuoka (yogalim+/mysore d. )スタジオの他、京都の野田ゆみ先生のBirdy yoga スタジオ、又、東京表参道にある、吉川めい先生のスタジオ、Veda でも指導経験ありのキャシールイーズ。是非この機会に先生の指導を体験下さい。吉川めい先生のコメントもご参照下さい。
古くからSri K.パタビジョイス氏に師事してきた他、1練習生としても
『Cathy Louise Broda Ashtanga Yoga mysore classes and Work Shop』
Join Cathy Louise for four days of special Mysore classes at YogaLimt/Mysore D. It’s been three years since she’s visited Shiho and Yuko and she’s looking forward to returning to their studio and seeing everyone again. Cathy Louise will also teach an evening Ashtanga Yoga Workshop
on October 14th. In the workshop she will go over the foundation of Ashtanga, bandha/breath/dristi, and give useful instructions on how using these foundations can enhance your practice.
For those of you that are new to Cathy Louise, has been teaching Ashtanga Yoga for 25 years. In 2000, she received Sri K Pattabhi Jois’s blessing to teaching Ashtanga. Also in 2000 Cathy Louise started teaching Mysore at Ashtanga Yoga London. She now teaches at her own studio, Purple Yoga Hawaii.
She is know for her warm and energetic hands-on adjustments that can help students deepen into their asana practice. When she is a visiting Mysore teacher she always helps student with where their practices are at that moment. Cathy Louise’s philosophy is to always enhance what a student is doing, offering hints on how to create more opening in the body, offering adjustments that assist a student in understanding their bodies and ultimately bringing more acceptance and joy to their practices. She has taught thousands of students over the years and has many years of adjusting all types of bodies. She has been a visiting teaching at YogaLimt/Mysore D in Fukuoka, Birdy Yoga in Kyoto and in 2015 was the first Western Ashtanga Yoga guest teacher at Mae Yoshikawa’s studio, “veda” in Omotesando, Tokyo.
The Mysore classes will have an translator/interpreter helping Cathy Louise so you will be able understand what Cathy Louise is trying to teach you and you will also be able to ask questions and discuss your practice with her
10/13 Tuesday Mysore Class 6am to 9:30am
10/14 Wednesday Mysore Class 6am to 9:30am
10/14 Wednesday Evening Ashtanga Yoga Work Shop
10/15 Thuesday Mysore Class 6am to 9:30am
10/16 Friday Mysore Class 6am to 9:30am
1 classe 4500yen
2 classes 8500yen
3 classes 12000 yen
4 classes 15000yen
5 classes 18000yen
Each mysore classes starts from 6am or 7:30am. Please make a reservation to