2024 January 7th to 24th
Ashtanga Yoga mysore classe, Led Class, and workshop by
CHARMELLE from South Africa
2024年1月7日から24日は、南アフリカでアシュタンガヨガの指導をしているCharmelle (シャメル)が初来日、彼女自身2月のSYCでのアシュタンガヨガ修行前に福岡で指導する事となりました。mysoreクラス、金曜のレッドクラス、週末にはワークショップも開催されます。通常クラススケジュール通りのmysoreクラス, LEDクラスとなります。
mysore fukuokaレギュラーメンバー.オンラインメンバーのmysore class及LED classは通常通り、ワークショップに参加希望の方はいつものようにシャラまでご連絡ください。ご予約時に支払いで完了となります。
・お名前 電話番号 メールアドレス お住まいの地域
・普段練習しているシャラや指導者のお名前 練習しているアーサナシリーズ
・全てのワークショップは¥7,000 です
・mysore class ー 1 week(6days) ¥18,000 / 2weeks(12days) ¥24,000 / 3weeks(15days) ¥27,000 / Drop In ¥4,000
Charmelle is a devoted practitioner and Authorised Level 2 teacher of Ashtanga Yoga. Her teachings are delivered with compassion, clarity and attention to detail. Charmelle is deeply respectful of the Ashtanga Yoga practice, as she believes that the many benefits of this method are available to all students with an interest and eagerness to learn.
Assisting in the main shala in Mysore has given Charmelle the opportunity to work with hundreds of students from all over the world, while receiving close and direct guidance from Sharath Jois on when and how to offer her assistance. Charmelle carefully observes the individual body of each student, and acts with awareness of their mental and emotional state, to connect with them and inspire the openness that allows the practice to reveal it’s magic.
2024年1月13日 workshop ① VINYASA – 13th January sat 11:30-13:30
In this workshop we will look carefully into the vinyasa system that is the foundation of our Ashtanga Yoga method. We will explore how to link movement and breath correctly to experience the state of flow that makes this a moving meditation. We will also look in detail at the vinyasa of certain key standing postures, as well as the vinyasas that link our seated postures.
2024年1月14日 workshop ② BACKBENDING – 14th January sun 10:00-12:00
In this workshop we will explore the fundamental anatomy of a backbend, and how this is expressed in various asanas. We will look at how to develop these movement patterns and find the extension required within the primary series. We will also look into the Intermediate series to find inspiration, and see how these forms develop into even more challenging asanas.
2024年1月20日 workshop ③ MODIFICATIONS – 20st January sat 11:30-13:30
This workshop will focus on learning when to modify our practice, and how to do so safely while maintaining the integrity of the asanas and the vinyasa system. We will learn how to adapt our practice to various pains/injuries, body changes or life experience – so that we can continue to move & breathe and receive all the benefits that this practice has to offer.
2024年1月21日 workshop ④ TRISTANA WORKSHOP – 21st January sun 10:00-11:30
In this workshop, we will look into the three fundamental pillars of the Ashtanga yoga practice, exploring how they are linked and how to access them.We will delve into the breathing method, to understand and experience the subtleties of it and learn to consciously use it as a powerful tool in our practice each day.