mysore fukuoka | 18th - 24 July 2016 Laruga Glaser Ashtanga Yoga Work Shop
18th - 24 July 2016 Laruga Glaser Ashtanga Yoga Work Shop
Ashtangayoga Miyazai, Mysoreclass, Laruga Glaser, マイソール宮崎, アシュタンガヨガ宮崎, yoga, workshop , Ashtangayoga, mysoreclass, アシュタンガヨガ, マイソールクラス, マイソールフクオカ, 福岡アシュタンガヨガ
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18th – 24 July 2016 Laruga Glaser Ashtanga Yoga Work Shop

ラルガはSri K. Pattabhi Jois、そして孫であるR. Sharath Joisに師事しアシュタンガヨガを深めているアドヴァンスレベルの練習生でありKPJAYIから認められているLevel 2 Authorized Teacherです。現在はスウェーデン、ストックホルムで指導している他、世界各国を指導で回っています。日本へは初来日となるラルガのワークショップ、是非シェアしたいと思います。




Laruga Glaser ラルガ・グレイザー

以来インド・マイソールにて、故Sri K. Pattabhi Jois氏とその孫であるR. Sharath
アドヴァンスレベルの練習者として、一生徒として、そして、マイソールKPJAYI認定 Level2

Since a young age, Laruga has been fascinated with mind/body connections and spiritual philosophy which later attracted her to the practice of yoga in early 1996 after a sincere connection and study of yoga philosophy. It wasnʼt until she stumbled upon Ashtanga Yoga when she fully immersed herself into a devoted practice a few years later in 1998.

Since then, she has continued to draw inspiration from her daily visit to the mat, along with long term studies with her teachers, the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, and now his grandson R. Sharath Jois, of Mysore India. An advanced level practitioner and student of yoga, as well as, a Level 2 Authorized Teacher from KPJAYI of Mysore, India, Laruga entered into teaching after many years of sustained practice and brings with her over 20 years total experience instructing body movement. In turn, she is dedicated to teaching the method of Ashtanga yoga to its fullest capacity, cultivating transparency to the tradition, and the deeply rich lineage the practice originates, otherwise known as parampara.

Through it all, Laruga teaches as an act of deep sharing and love for what yoga develops in each individual; facilitating space to open, challenge, and inspire those to step into the center of their own being, and experience their inherent potential.

Currently Laruga heads the Mysore program at Yogayama in Stockholm, Sweden and teaches workshops and retreats internationally.



Laruga Glaser Ashtanga Yoga Work  Shop



One week mysore classes 24000yen

One mysore class 4500yen

Work shop 各6500yen





mysore classes 6am – 9:30 am


6:00-7:30 ( 20 名)/ 7:30-9:00  ( 20 名)



Work Shops


18:00-20:30  Vinaysa Integration






Awakening The Core: Bandhas, Breath, and More

コアの覚醒: バンダ、呼吸、その他




Arm Balance with Power and Grace






Backbending with Ease: Liberate the Spine

後屈の安心感: 背骨の解放




12:30-15:00 Introduction to Intermidiate serise


Nadi Shodana ナディー・ショーダナー


mysore classes

7/18-23   6am – 9:30 am
Work Shops
7/22 friday
18:00-20:30  Vinaysa Integration

Vinyasa Integration (2.5 Hours)

In this workshop special attention will be focused on moving with conscious awareness, in union with conscious breath, otherwise known as vinyāsa. Trouble shooting areas of instability that may be present, you will delve more thoroughly into how to build strength, with care and attention, building upon internal alignment. Focused points of attention will include practical application of Tristhānam (posture, breath, gaze) into each movement, promoting a calm center and accessing sense withdrawal, known as pratyāhāra. Learn to activate and open the energy channels of the body without strain. Discover balance, support and integrity in strength-based postures such as techniques for jumping back and jumping through as well as structural breakdown of challenging poses and transitions.

7/23 saturday

11:00-13:00 Awakening the core

Awakening The Core: Bandhas, Breath and More (2 hours)
In this workshop become more intimately rooted to the internal network of the bandhas while

tuning to the central axis of the body. Properly understanding how to engage the bandhas not only bring lightness to the body but also stability and clarity to the mind. Learn to become more closely connected to this often elusive and mysterious part of the practice of Ashtanga yoga, appropriate for all levels.

14:00-16:30  Arm Balance

Arm Balance with Power and Grace (2.5 Hours)

Experience the exhilaration of arm balances in a playful and explorative way, while learning the basic elements and foundational techniques to successfully construct an arm balance practice. Proper alignment, strength building as well as energizing the subtle body will be addressed in this inspiring and informative workshop for all levels.

7/24 sunday

9:00-11:30 Back bending with ease

Backbending with Ease: Liberate the Spine (2.5 Hours)

The paradox of backbending is that we must be firm and soft at the same time, uniting the energy of strength and surrender. Learn the basic components of backbending with integrity to the natural flow of the body. In addition, learn to understand the concept of active release. When actively releasing, we experience the use of grounding mechanisms to establish the downward flow of energy while fully utilizing the breath to then be able to expand and deepen. In this workshop learn the foundational techniques that allow the body to find its depth and strength while at the same time letting go. For all levels.

12:30-15:00 Introduction to Intermidiate serise

Introduction to Intermediate Series (2.5 Hours)

Nādī Śhodana

Intermediate Series, otherwise known as nādī śhodana, meaning nervous system cleansing, builds upon the culmination of energy and purification within the practitioner built from the foundation of Primary Series. With deeper backbends and forward bends as well as arm balances, the Intermediate series integrates the use of opposing forces to garner greater unity and strength, both mental and physical, opening the internal light of awareness within each individual. This will be an introduction course inside the methodology of the Intermediate Series. Appropriate for those new and experienced to the sequence.


One week mysore classes 24000yen

One mysore class 4500yen

Work shop 6500yen each

Payment : Paypal(1000yen additional cost)  Bank Wire Transfer

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with your Full Name/ Phone Number/ Email Address