mysore fukuoka | 2019 May 17th - 20th in MIYAZAKI, 21th - 25th in FUKUOKA ::: Ashtanga Yoga mysore classes and Led Primary class by Matt Corigliano 
2019 May 17th - 20th in MIYAZAKI, 21th - 25th in FUKUOKA ::: Ashtanga Yoga mysore classes and Led Primary class by Matt Corigliano 
mysoremiyazaki, ashtangayogamiyazai, マイソールミヤザキ, アシュタンガヨガ宮崎, mysorefukuoka, マイソール福岡, アシュタンガヨガ福岡, ashtangayogafukuoka, yoga福岡, ヨガ福岡, Matt Corigliano , マットコリリアーノ, マイソールクラス,KPJAYI, Authorized
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2019 May 21th – 25th in FUKUOKA ::: Ashtanga Yoga mysore classes and Led Primary class by Matt Corigliano 



Matt Corigliano  mysore classes ,   Led class, and  conference 

FUKUOKA 2019. May 21(Tuesday) -25 (saturday)   5days




今年は、前々から宮崎で Yoga & Surfしよう、と話していた事が実現となり、宮崎でも開催します。
カウアイ島育ちの生粋Surfer、Ashtanga Yogaファミリーに生まれ育ったマット.コリリアーノのHigh Energyな指導を是非皆さんとシェアしたいと思います。





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80年代初めにパタビジョイス氏の元でアシュタンガヨガの練習を始めた両親の元、6歳で初めてヨガを体験。 両親のヨガへの献身的な姿勢と情熱に大きな影響を受け、また、ナチュラルな食生活とともに、ハワイの島々で海と大自然に囲まれながら育ったこともヨガへ導かれる大きな要因となる。

これまで15年以上アシュタンガヨガを教えながら世界中を旅し、今も、アシュタンガヨガが持つパワフルな効果を 旅をしながら伝え続けている。





GuruJi + ME_3



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福岡 at mysore fukuoka

5月21,22,23,24 マイソールクラス 06:00start /  07:30 start 

(例:7:00-開始希望の方は6:00に 8:30開始希望の方は7:30に お申し込みください。)


5/25 土曜日
07:00-8:30 Led Primary Class
09:00 –  カンファレンス(通訳付き)

• 5 Days pass 22000yen

• 3Days pass 14000yen
• 1クラス 5000yen
• カンファレンス 2000yen









Matt Corigliano  mysore classes ,   Led class, and  conference 
FUKUOKA 2019. May 21(Tuesday) -25 (saturday)   5days


Matt’s parents started practicing Ashtanga Yoga with Sri. K Pattabhi Jois in the early 80’s. His parents have been a big influence on many of the teachers and students that practice Ashtanga Yoga today. Their devotion and love for yoga had a huge effect in his life. He experienced his first yoga classes at the age of six. Raised a vegetarian and growing up on the Hawaiian Islands with the ocean and nature was a great path into the yoga. Matt hopes to share the yoga in a way to inspire and empower the student to live life with the fullest of potential. His classes are for both beginner and advanced student giving a space to learn and grow at your own pace. Matt has been traveling teaching Ashtanga Yoga internationally for 18 years. He continues to travel today spreading the powerful effects Yoga has on the world. Matt is one of very few Advanced student of Guruji and Sharath and is Blessed to Teach by KPJAYI (Ashtanga Yoga Institute) of Mysore, South India.


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FUKUOKA at mysore fukuoka

Mysore classes 21,22,23,24 of May   6:00start /  7:30 start
Choose your starting time above.
Saturday 25 th May    Led Primary Clas  07:00-8:30 / Conference 09:00-10:30  

• 5 Days pass 22000yen (Conference fee included)
• 3Days pass 14000yen (Conference fee included)
• 1 class 5000yen
• Conference  2000yen


